Senator Martin’s Proposals Addressing Daylight Saving Time, Write-In Candidates Move Forward

HARRISBURG – The Senate State Government Committee approved two bills today sponsored by Senator Scott Martin (R-13), including measures strengthening provisions in Pennsylvania’s election laws pertaining to write-in candidates, and addressing the confusing and counterproductive time changes resulting from Daylight Saving Time.

The committee approved Senate Bill 417, which would help to prevent unintended consequences stemming from write-in candidates being elected with a small number of votes.

The bill would require successful write-in candidates to receive at least the same number of write-in votes as would be required if they had filed signed nomination petitions. The bill would weed out candidates who may lack interest or basic qualifications for office, Martin said.

“In Lancaster County, we have seen cases of unqualified write-in candidates being elected to important offices with less than a handful of votes. The results have been nothing short of a disaster,” Martin said. “The best way to prevent this from happening in the future is by preventing the least qualified and serious candidates from taking office in the first place.”

The committee also approved Senate Resolution 179, which urges Congress to make Daylight Saving Time permanent in the United States. The change would mean the end of the twice-yearly time changes in the spring and fall that only lead to negative consequences for Pennsylvanians.

“Moving the clocks forward in the spring and back in the fall leads to more accidents, an increase in health problems and a loss of productivity that is estimated to be more than $400 million annually,” Martin said. “We should not continue this archaic practice when studies have proven that it does more harm than good for the economy and the wellbeing of Pennsylvanians.”

Both measures were sent to the full Senate for consideration.


CONTACT: Terry Trego (717) 787-6535

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